FirstPark is the premier business address in Maine, established by the Kennebec Regional Development Authority (KRDA), the state’s most unique economic development organization.  FirstPark incorporates innovative technology and infrastructure into its site plan and is the only business park in the northeast with a Verizon/Fairpoint SmartPark® designation.  This designation ensures redundancy and security, a boon for businesses heavily reliant on technology. FirstPark is a 285 acre campus of shovel-ready, pre-permitted sites with protective covenants. There are 18 lots available, five of which run parallel to I-95.


Protective Covenants

FirstPark has protective covenants in place with strict performance standards to protect your investment. FirstPark’s Design Review Committee will meet with the developer/firm to review their total project plan, advise and assist with compliance and permitting, and ensure a seamless transition.  A full copy of the Covenants may be viewed or printed.

Fully Serviced Building Sites

  • All utilities are in place and underground
  • Abundant 3-phase power
  • All permitting complete
  • Redundant fiber optic cabling with transmission facilities in close proximity
  • Fast, flexible build-to-suit or purchase options
  • Low-density, campus-like setting with professional landscaping
  • 285 total acres, 150 buildable
  • Low cost with incentives
  • Close to local business organizations and support services

Technology and “Smart Park®” designation

Maine has more than 65,000 miles of fiber optic cable and 100 percent digital phone switching technology in place and has become a telecommunications leader.  In addition to Maine’s broadband infrastructure, FirstPark is the only designated Verizon SmartPark® in Maine – and  New England.  SmartParks® are built on a foundation of conduit systems and state-of-the-art-networks that provide total communications solutions that you won’t outgrow.  FirstPark is connected to Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) rings. This provides a reliable redundant network designed to eliminate service outages and expedites recovery.  SONET technology is further assurance that the highest quality most reliable data voice and video services are available at FirstPark.

Accessibility & Transportation

FirstPark is adjacent to I-95 – the State’s development corridor.  In Central Maine this by-way represents a multi-modal transportation corridor. Access to I-95 is less than ¼ mile from the FirstPark entrance. Two international airports, one regional airport and one municipal airport are all within an hour’s drive. Central Maine is connected via commuter shuttle to Boston or Amtrak service. We are approximately 3½ hours from Quebec and the Maritime Provinces to the East, and 5 hours from Montreal and all of New England’s urban centers.


There are meaningful incentive programs in place we can access for your investment.    Contact Brad Jackson to begin the discussion.


FirstPark’s Executive Director is on-site, making us your one-stop shop for public and private business development services.